Tuesday, 27 October 2015


There was a clever, young and energetic black African boy named Jacob who always had plans and solutions to any problem that came across him. Jacob had three (3) other friends by names Titus, Abel and Paul in the school he went to. In that school, they always prepared a Annual Halloween party. You know that moment everybody is tasked to make or get his/her favourite costume.

Since Jacob loved watching Dracula movies, he decided to go with the Dracula costume which was a dark black over flowing Jacket with a red collar. His friends Titus picked Chuck’s costume (the one in child’s play), Abel picked Medusa’s costume, Paul Picked for dare devil.

So on the day of Halloween night at school, the boys decided to bet on who will make the best prank for the Halloween. So they decided to go the haunting house near the cemetery which was at the back of their school. When they reached the haunting house, each took a different direction. Since Jacob was wise, he decided to make an hologram of his head to appear like it was chopped off and held it in his hand. 

As the other boys were reaching where he was they could barely hear the oozing sound of the wind. They took a deep glance at him in deep shock almost took off after seeing Jacob holding his head in his hand in the full light of the moon walking towards them.

Later they heard him laugh, I got you on this one. It is just a prank. 


It’s back and more interesting all you need is to write a 100 word Halloween story appropriate for children (title not included in the 100 words), using the words costumedark, and haunt.   Your story can be scaryfunny or anything in between, poetry or prose, but it will only count for the contest if it includes those 3 words and is 100 words (you can go under, but not over!)  Get it?  Halloweensie – because it’s not very long and it’s for little people :)  (And yes, I know 100 words is short but that’s part of the fun and the challenge! You just Post your story on your blog between right now this very second and Friday October 30th by 11:59 PM EDT and add your post-specific link to susannahill.blogspot.ug
 If you don’t have a blog and would like to enter, you can simply copy and paste your entry in the comments section on http://susannahill.blogspot.ug/. Keep it Halloweensie. Pass by and drop yours also
Below is my Halloween story (99 Words)

                      "THE DARKEST EXTREME EDGE"

Down on the darkest street near our house, I could hear the sound of wind oozing through my ear as I walked down the street dressed fully in my Dracula vampire Halloween costume. I could hear sounds that were haunting like the street was haunted by ghosts. Deep inside my heart I was filled with fear that I could barely move. As I had reached at the extreme edge of the street, I heard someone whisper that I took off like a flash of lightening. Trembled like Chuck (the one in Child’s play) I had touched on my shoulder. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Song for His Excellency Mr President (((((TUBONGE NAAWE SONG))))

The sun rises for you, our dear leader
It rules for life
I wish humans could live forever,
You would also rule, rule for life like the sun

Long live, long live Museveni x2
Long live, long live, senior Minister Janet
Long live, long live, senior commander Muhoozi
Long live, long live, Operation wealth creation
Tubonga namwe.

Like the moon lights the night, dear leader
So should you light up darkness in our homes
From kisoro to kotido
From Mpondwe to Busia.

We’ll sing for you forever
When you give us decent education
When we get medicines in our hospitals
When youths get decent jobs.

Farmers love you, dear leader
Although they are poor for too long
Poverty won’t take their love though
As long as you work on plight.

Like this song is too long for a song
And my audience begs that I leave the stage
As every good song, just like every good leader
Should bow off the stage, nange ngenze

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